Jan Poynter

Jan Poynter is an artist who’s specialties lie in both Fine Art and Illustration. Within her Fine Art practice she has created a collection of mixed media pieces entitled ‘Natural Patterns’. They are a mix of painting and technical exploration.

I was drawn to these works for various reasons, the main one being Poynter’s use of colour. In my one practice I have tried to incorporate bright colours to contrast the natural elements and make certain elements stand out. Whereas Poynter uses colour to capture what she refers to as a dynamic energy. She has created this works to capture the relationship between this energy and physical law so the success of her colour choices is crucial. Once I had conducted some reading around these pieces and found that all the patterns came from direct natural sources such as erosion, leaves and flowing water I began to see more links between her practice and where I want mine to go. Moving forward I think Poynter’s use of colour and combination of paint and technological art forms (both which I have previously explored) will inspire me to be more experimental in these areas.

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